BOT May 25 meeting recording is posted
If you were unable to attend the May 25 College Board of Trustees meeting, or experienced lack of audio in the Zoom connection, the video recording of the meeting (with sound) is now available on the College intranet.
To access the recording go to How the College Works > Board of Trustees > BOT Recordings > 2021
Topics discussed during the 90-minute meeting included:
- Update on the Main Building Recovery project.
- The financial report, including the status of College finances for Fiscal Year 2021 (which ends June 30, 2021), an update on Federal stimulus funds, and preliminary information about the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2022. The Trustees will discuss and vote on the FY22 budget at the June 22 Board meeting.
- Discussion and Trustee approval of the initial funding allocation (over $2 million) for upgrading of the College’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, including the Colleague software as well as associated computer hardware and database systems.
The complete upgrade is expected to take place over an 18-month timeframe, and will require over $6 million. CFO Chris Calvert said funding is expected to come primarily from Federal stimulus funds and State capital appropriations.
- Discussion of the Master Plan for improvements to the Harrison Airport and campus. VP of Administration Lawra Baumann said the FAA is currently reviewing the 500-page Master Plan, and the College will seek feedback from Harrison-area community residents at a feedback session on June 24.
- Board approval of a 2-semester sabbatical leave for Professor Ralph Whaley, who will conduct a statewide study of underrepresented students in engineering technology programs. The project goal is to identify methods for improving the experiences of these students through adjustments to College recruiting, enrollment, and retention activities.
- Board approval of a 5-year renewal of Dr. Posey’s contract as President of Cincinnati State. Prior to the Trustees’ approval of the new contract, Dr. Posey summarized achievements of the past 5 years, which she described as a report on “work by all College employees, not just the president.”
- Report from Student Activities staff member Sarah Knight on Spring Semester virtual programming and activities for students.
- Report from Faculty Senate President Lesli Rice on Senate accomplishments and initiatives of the past year.
- Remarks from Board Chair George Vincent, who thanked all College employees for “exemplary work and perseverance over the past 14 months.”