HPS Disaster Drill was a unique learning experience for students

Feb 5, 2025
Photos by Brittany King

On November 22, 2024, more than 40 students from several Cincinnati State Health and Public Safety programs worked together to conduct the College’s first-ever Interdisciplinary Disaster Drill. At the December 2024 Board of Trustees meeting, HPS Dean Bonnie Smith and student participants reported on the unique event. 

The disaster drill started with a simulated serious automobile accident in a parking lot at the College. The vehicle’s passengers (actors wearing “accident victim makeup) were an adult male, a pregnant adult female, and their child.

Dean Smith said the “crashed” car was donated, and professional makeup artists added realistic injuries to the actors who portrayed the victims. 

Fire Service Technology students extracted the victims from the car
Fire Service Technology students extracted the victims from the car
  • Reactions to the simulated accident started with first responders from Fire Service Technology and Emergency Medical Technology who extracted the passengers from the car and transported them to rooms in the Health Simulation Lab (SIM Lab) for medical assessment, and then to the Surgical Technology Lab for treatment. 
  • A retired surgeon supervised the Surgical Technology students in using appropriate surgical lab equipment, while a certified nurse midwife assisted the students who were helping the pregnant passenger. 
  • Many other students from Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, Medical Assisting, and Health Information Management were involved with patient care during the drill. 
  • In addition, students from the Audio/Video Production program served as “media” capturing scenes from the event.

Dean Smith commended Rachael Meier, the Director of Cincinnati State’s Health Simulation Lab, for her work in facilitating the many elements of the disaster drill. 

Meier said interdisciplinary approaches to training for healthcare workers are gaining importance nationally, and she was pleased that Cincinnati State could offer students “a safe setting to practice their skills” while working with specialists from other fields.

EMT students moved victims to safety
EMT students moved victims to safety

Students who attended the Board of Trustees meeting described the disaster drill experience as “awesome,” “amazing,” and “a great opportunity to get first-hand experience working with others.”

  • One Nursing student told the Trustees, “This was not like reading a textbook– it was eye-opening to work side-by-side with students in other fields and learn what they do.” 
  • Another Nursing student commented, “It was so valuable to see how other specialists are trained, and how we all had to communicate to provide care. It felt like we were a family that day.” 
  • A Fire Services Technology student said, “Even though we met the nursing students the day of the event, we were able to work together smoothly in this real-life experience.” 

External media coverage for the disaster drill, and the dedication of the SIM Lab that took place the same day, included: