Pocket calendar for 2024-25 is available

Jul 24, 2024

Copies of the Cincinnati State Pocket Calendar for academic year 2024-25 are in process of being distributed to Clifton Campus offices and to other campuses— but if you’re looking for a digital version to share, Daily News is happy to assist.

  • Click to download a PDF copy of the Pocket Calendar
  • Other information about the College calendar for 2024-25, such as course registration and withdrawal dates, will be available on the “Important Dates” page of the College website: https://www.cincinnatistate.edu/academic-calendar.
    • Currently, the Important Dates for Fall Semester 2024 are posted on the website.
  • Information from the website “Important Dates” page also is published in the Academic Calendar section of the MyCState 2.0 intranet, on both the Student and Employee intranet pages.
  • If your office doesn’t receive new Pocket Calendars, get in touch with Jackie Norton in the Marketing Department (jacqueline.norton@cincinnatistate.edu).