College Drive will be closed July 27-Aug. 4

The exterior wayfinding project underway on Clifton Campus, in front of the Main Building, will require closing College Drive from Saturday, July 27, through Sunday, Aug. 4.

No through traffic will be permitted while asphalt and concrete work is completed on the portion of College Drive between the “top-of-the-hill” and the Executive Parking spaces (area in red on the map).

  • During the week that College Drive is closed, parking will still be available in Lot A and Lot D, and gates will remain open.
  • Also, deliveries to the ATLC Loading Dock must enter College Drive from the traffic light at the intersection of Ludlow Ave. and Rue de la Paix, on the east side of campus.

The Facilities Department appreciates your patience during this project. If you have questions, contact Kim Vasko, Director of Buildings, Maintenance & Grounds, at