Community Wellness web page provides updated guidelines for dealing with COVID & flu

During the season of colds, flu, and other illnesses– including COVID– all students and employees are encouraged to review the “Community Wellness Updates” page of the College website.
The updated web page (previously the COVID-19 page) has information for the College community about COVID, flu, and RSV.
The “flowchart” of COVID guidelines has not changed. If a student or an employee tests positive for COVID or was in close contact with someone with COVID (meaning you were within 6 feet of the person with COVID for 15 minutes or more), you should follow the steps on the flowchart– including staying home for at least 5 days following a positive COVID test.
Click to download the COVID flowchart
- Students who test positive for COVID should inform their instructors, and employees should inform their supervisor.
- If a student reports a positive COVID test or exposure, faculty members should share the flowchart with the student.
- The College is no longer tracking, reporting, or notifying of exposure to COVID.
- However, anyone who tests positive for COVID and also wishes to notify others of their possible exposure may do so.
The Community Wellness web page includes information about the symptoms of flu (influenza) and recommends that those with flu should stay home for 4 or 5 days, or until symptoms resolve.