Used office furniture is available for free (but please ask permission before you take stuff away)
The auction of used furniture and office equipment is over. Now, an array of chairs, desks, tables, and other items are available at no cost to anyone who wants to claim them and transport them away from Clifton Campus.
All of these items have been evaluated by the Facilities team as having reached the end of their useful life on campus, but they may still be useful to others in an off-campus setting.
Until Friday, Sep. 22, it’s “first come, first served” for anything in the “catalog” of available items– however, it’s important to get “sign off” from Christine Barrow before you remove any items.
To claim items from the catalog– or if you want to schedule a time to view items in person– please send an email message to Christine (
- Please do not remove items without talking to Christine, and please do not prop open doors to areas where furniture is being stored.
- Items currently stored in the Gym (and in Main 161) are a mix of auction items that are scheduled for pickup in coming days, as well as “up for grabs” items.
- Unfortunately, some items that were purchased in the auction have “disappeared” from storage before their owners could retrieve them.
- If you claim items, you are responsible for their timely removal from campus. All claimed items must be removed no later than close of business on Monday, Sep. 25.