Welcome to the new Daily News!
Starting today–June 1, 2022– Cincinnati State Daily News has a new look, a new email address, and a new way for you to provide your news and information so Daily News can share it with the College community.
- We’ll continue to publish new articles and send them to your email address on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (unless it’s a “college closed” day), and we’ll continue to provide special editions when needed to share urgent information.
- During Summer Semester, Friday publishing may be suspended if there’s nothing new and time-sensitive to share.
- If you have news to share, please use the “Submit a Story” link at the top of the page. Please do not send article information and/or pictures to our email address.
Take a moment to tour the new site, and let us know if you have questions or concerns. You can send your reviews to our new email address: cstatedailynews@cincinnatistate.edu.
Thank you to everyone who made the new Daily News site possible. It was a long journey, and we appreciate the support.
The Daily News staff looks forward to hearing from you, and we look forward to sharing intriguing and informative Cincinnati State stories with all of our readers!