New Emeritus Professors will be recognized at Awards event

Two new Emeritus Professors will be recognized at the Faculty Excellence Awards Celebration on Monday, Apr. 18: Dr. Athealia Bell and Samuel Rowe.

Monday’s Common Time virtual event also will recognizing the 2022 recipients and nominees for the House/Bruckmann Faculty Excellence Award and the 2022 recipients of the Adjunct Faculty Excellence Award.

Dr. Athealia Bell served as a faculty member for 33 years. As an Academic Advisor in the Health & Public Safety Division she advised and empowered hundreds of students and she helped to develop Cincinnati State’s first academic advising web page.

Athealia developed a program to assist students on academic warning or probation, and she assisted in the development of retention surveys for Health Technology students and development of a policy for students repeating coursework.

Athealia served on numerous College committees and task forces and she was an advisor for student organizations including Adult Learners on Campus and the African American Association.

She delivered numerous presentations and workshops for internal and external audiences and she was recognized as YMCA Black Achiever.

Professor Samuel Rowe served more than 31 years at Cincinnati State as a faculty member.

He started as the Coordinator for Industry Training for the Humanities and Sciences Division. Later he transitioned to the role of Chair of Philosophy, Religion and Culture Studies Department in H&S.

Over the course of his career, Samuel provided instruction for every division in the College. In addition to his faculty role in H&S, he taught Water Aerobics for Health & Public Safety, Social Issues in Technology for Engineering & Information Technologies, and Customer Service in Business.

Samuel served as a mentor for several faculty members and some staff members, and served on numerous committees. Along with the late Prof. Crystal Bossard, he led development of the Cincinnati Chapter of the National Council on Black American Affairs to supportleadership development Black students and College employees.

With Prof. Rosa Maria Moreno, Samuel helped to create a service learning study abroad program for CState students, which provided international travel and service opportunities in Guatemala for more than 100 students.

Samuel’s commitment to the growth and success of Cincinnati State and its students included creating a scholarship in his name to support students who demonstrate community outreach efforts.


Professor Emeritus status may be awarded to a retired faculty member who served for at least 15 years in a full-time faculty role.

  • A nomination must be prepared by a current tenured faculty member and forwarded to the Faculty Senate.
  • The Faculty Senate then seeks support for Emeritus Professor recommendations through voting by all current tenured faculty members.