CState mask policy is revised

In an email message to Cincinnati State students, faculty and staff members on June 3, President Monica Posey announced changes to the College’s mask policies.

President Posey’s message stated, “As we continue moving toward a return to ‘normal’ life, it is vital that each of us continues being personally responsible when it comes to COVID prevention, and also respectful of others.”

Dr. Posey said the new COVID-19 guidelines for Cincinnati State campuses are based on recent CDC and Ohio Department of Health recommendations.

  • Scientific evidence is clear that vaccinations and facial coverings are the most effective weapons in the fight against COVID-19.
  • Unvaccinated people should continue to protect themselves and others by wearing masks and maintaining six feet of physical distancing at all times indoors when not working alone in a room, or in a cubicle separated by six feet of distance from others.
  • Unvaccinated people are no longer required to wear masks outside unless six feet of physical distancing cannot be maintained, and then they should continue to do so.
  • Fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks either indoors or out.
  • Because not everyone is comfortable in a maskless environment at the present time, those who are fully vaccinated are asked to try to wear a mask when inside and around other people in an environment where six feet of distance cannot be maintained.

For Summer classes and lab sessions with in-person activities, protocols for masks and other safety equipment remain in effect in cases where the safety protocols are related to industry and/or professional standards.

Dr. Posey’s message noted that COVID-19 vaccines have proven to be highly effective, and urged those who are not yet vaccinated to do so.

“The more of us who are vaccinated, the sooner we can return to a fully mask-less environment, and in the meantime save lives,” Dr. Posey said.

Cincinnati State’s COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic on Clifton Campus, on Thursday, June 10, from noon until 4 p.m., has room for additional appointments and will accept walk-in requests if not all appointments are taken.

  • The clinic location is the Nursing Skills Lab on the 2nd floor of the Health Professions Building, near the elevators.
  • The clinic is open to students, faculty, staff members, and friends and family members of CState students and employees.
  • Clinic participants will receive the Johnson & Johnson one-dose vaccine.

To schedule a vaccine appointment for yourself or others, go to https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050B4AA5AD2FA5F49-cincinnati1